When you file a claim with your insurance company, you expect it to handle it fairly and promptly. Understandably so, given that this is the very reason you pay them your hard-earned money. Despite this, unfortunately, some insurance companies act in bad faith. This shows itself by delaying, underpaying, or even outright denying legitimate claims people like you make.
Steve Charles, bad faith insurance claim attorney of Charles Injury Law, has over a decade of experience stepping on behalf of clients across southern Florida, be it Plantation, FL, Fort Lauderdale, FL, or Miami, FL, to hold these bad-faith actors to account.
Steve helps people with health, auto, homeowner’s claims—and more. He and the entire team of bad faith insurance lawyers at Charles Injury Law know the frustration you’re forced to experience as a result of dealing with bad faith tactics and will fight so that you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.
We don’t just handle bad faith insurance claims; we have a unique knack for them. Our track record backs this up, as evidenced by the number of successful cases we had where we took on insurance companies throughout Florida, drawing on our deep knowledge of state and federal insurance laws to get the results we did.
Our bad faith insurance lawsuit attorneys get to the bottom of your case, working to get your insurer to honor your rights as a policyholder and meet their obligations to you. Upholding your rights is our highest priority, providing personalized service to that end all along the way.
If you’ve been treated in a way that indicates your insurance company is acting in bad faith, you likely aren’t confident as to what to do next. This is especially true if you’ve never had experience with this sort of situation before.
Delayed payments, unreasonable claim denials, and insufficient settlements are just a few of the common ways you may be experiencing bad faith on the part of your insurer. What can follow is increased financial and emotional stress. This is heightened in dire situations where you need to make critical repairs, cover expensive medical expenses, or recover lost wages.
With Charles Injury Law, you’ll have a leading bad-faith insurance lawyer in your corner, so you don’t have to face it alone.
If you suspect you’ve been the victim of bad faith on the part of your insurer, you need access to an experienced, knowledgeable, and trustworthy attorney who can turn things around for you.
With Charles Injury Law, we can assure you we’ll do the following to put you in the best position possible to get the compensation you deserve:
Insurance companies know dealing with an insurance bad faith lawsuit attorney dramatically changes things. Partnering with us, we’ll aggressively advocate for you to remind them yet again why.
Don’t let your insurer continue to take advantage of you, and don’t keep googling bad-faith lawyers near me. Take action now and email or call Charles Injury Law at (954) 390-2228 . We’ll get to know you in a consultation and evaluate your case. From there, we’ll develop a legal strategy designed to get you the outcome you need.
Legal journey of humanity is a testament to the evolution of societies, cultures, and governance systems. From ancient traditions to modern legal frameworks.
Our firm works hard to maximize your recovery and help you manage the repercussions of your injury. What’s more, we never charge a fee until the case is won – meaning we have a vested interest in your success from start to finish.