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Commercial Insurance Claims Lawyer Fort Lauderdale, Florida

There are many reasons why a business may purchase insurance. It may be in order to protect their employees and their property. Or maybe because they want to have coverage for their merchandise, their investments, or their inventory. And, as an unavoidable risk of doing business, there may come a time when one of those policies may be put to good use to cover some damages that may arise from many unexpected sources. It is at this time when the legal team of Charles Injury Law can help you with any commercial insurance claims that are being denied or delayed. Call us today.

As a business owner, the last thing you expect to have to deal with is a denied commercial insurance claim and its accompanying dispute. If this has happened to you, you may feel like you have too much on your plate to take the time to get this dispute resolved. That is why it is recommended that you engage the services of a commercial insurance claims lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, and the aggressive commercial insurance lawyers from Charles Injury Law are ready to evaluate your case and start fighting the insurance company on your behalf. Your time is priceless and should focus on the continued success of your business. Leave your commercial property damage insurance negotiations to us.

  • Contact Charles Injury Law to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. (954) 369-9446

Examples Of Claim Denials We Handle

Among the many disputes we have dealt with for our clients, we have resolved:

  • Coverage denials.
  • Insurance claims that are not paid.
  • Unreasonable delays in payments of claims.
  • Insurance investigations that were not done thoroughly or in a timely manner before a claim was denied.
  • Wrongful refusals to settle claims.

Putting your company at financial risk due to a delay or denial of payment is not something you want to have to go through. If your claim has been unreasonably denied, you should not just accept the insurance company’s decision. You need effective legal representation from the team of commercial insurance lawyers at Charles Injury Law in Fort Lauderdale. Let us review your claim, evaluate your case, and fight the insurance company on your behalf.

Filing A Commercial Insurance Claim

There are certain steps you must follow for a successful commercial insurance claim:

Notify Your Insurance

As soon as the incident occurs, notify your insurance company. Once they receive your notice, they will turn it over to an adjuster who may either be part of their staff or work for an independent firm. Keep in mind that yours will not be the only case the adjuster will be handling at one time. Also, stay mindful that the adjuster has the insurance company’s best interests in mind and not yours.

Loss Inspection

You will be contacted by the adjuster to schedule a time to inspect the damage and losses. Have everything ready and any paperwork on hand since the adjuster will probably be on a tight schedule and will not have much spare time to spend digging through disorganized information about your claim.

The adjuster may make specific requests and you should take them seriously and comply with them. They may request that you provide pictures of any damaged areas or items prior to the incident, or that you separate damaged from undamaged items. Or that you be willing to allow additional inspections by other evaluators, such as engineers.


You may start receiving unsolicited offers from contractors, roofers, or public adjusters claiming they want to offer assistance with your claim. Before accepting any offers, screen them and compare them with what your own insurance company is offering. If you discover that the estimates prepared by your insurance have major discrepancies when compared to the unsolicited ones, it may be time to have your policy reviewed by the expert team of commercial damage insurance claims lawyers from Charles Injury Law in Fort Lauderdale.

Insurance Response

You may be pleasantly surprised and find that your insurance responded with an offer of a reasonable settlement. It is common for them to request additional proofs of loss, they may offer you less than what you consider reasonable, or outright deny your claim.

Why Do You Need A Commercial Insurance Claims Lawyer?

When your business is dealing with business insurance claims, having your claim denied or underpaid or being treated unfairly by your insurance company is not something you should accept without argument. There are options open to you and there is a legal team of commercial insurance claim experts at Charles Injury Law that can guide you through them. We will conduct a free, no-obligation review of your policy and your claim. We will also review the reasons given to you for the denial or underpayment and if there are discrepancies, we have the legal tools to help you resolve the problem.

If necessary, we can also work with you through an appraisal in order to determine the real value of your losses. We understand that commercial property damage insurance is vital for your business and will help you with any claim issues that are not resolved to your satisfaction. Schedule an appointment today at our offices in Fort Lauderdale. We work on a contingency basis with no out-of-pocket expenses on your part.

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