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Fort Lauderdale, Florida Fire Damage Claim Lawyer

The aftermath of a fire can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience for anyone. Seeing something you worked so hard for literally go up in smoke is an experience nobody wants to endure. What makes a house fire even worse is having your claim denied by your insurance company, particularly after you have paid your premiums on time and have a valid homeowner’s insurance policy.

At Charles Injury Law, a fire insurance claim attorney will help you deal with that denied claim. We have years of experience dealing with insurance companies and are familiar with the tactics they employ to avoid paying for a valid claim. Let us get started evaluating your claim and finding the best option to help you recover the compensation to which you are entitled.

  • Contact Charles Injury Law to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. (954) 369-9446

Determining If The Fire Is Covered By Your Insurance

It is important to read your insurance policy thoroughly to find out whether this incident will be covered or not. It may include provisions that state that the policy would only cover the damage caused by the fire itself. Or the policy might cover smoke and water damage as well, or it may even include wind and structural damage, melted personal property, plumbing, electrical damage, and roof damage. If you are not clear on your fire coverage, your insurance agent should be able to clarify it.

If you are dealing with denied, underpaid or delayed claims, the fire damage claim lawyers at Charles Injury Law are ready to help you fight for your rights.

What Is The Process For A Fire Damage Insurance Claim?

After reading the details of your insurance policy, you should put together all the information you have on the incident, such as the date it happened, the condition the property was in before and after the fire, whether anyone was injured, and a copy of the police report. Also, you may need to ask your insurance agent to provide you with temporary assistance should your home not be a habitable option. If you have lost even the basic toiletries or health essentials and need clothing, ask your insurance company for an advance on your claim.

Document the fire by taking pictures of everything that was damaged. Do not get rid of anything that was burnt or melted until the insurance adjuster has shown up at your house and taken notes of the damage. If you get estimates for repairs, keep everything in a detailed file. If those prices seem too high, get a second opinion from a licensed contractor, this way you will be able to have a more accurate understanding of the amount of the damage and be able to confirm whether the insurance offer is fair or low.

Reasons Why A Fire Insurance Claim Can Be Denied

Even though you never expect to have your fire insurance claim denied, you may be surprised to find out that it is common for insurance companies to deny fire claims for reasons such as:

  • The damaged property is undervalued
  • They maintain that the fire was caused by arson
  • They fail to investigate the fire in a timely manner
  • They consider that you are not dealing with a total loss despite the evidence to the contrary
  • Because they are threatening you with litigation in an attempt to lower the amount they are willing to pay out
  • There is a clear violation of the terms specified in your insurance policy

It is interesting to note that, should the insurance company be denying your claim because of a suspicion of arson, the burden of proof lies with the insurance company and not with you as the homeowner. If there is no direct or circumstantial evidence associating the incident with arson and if the insurance company insists on denying the claim, they may be acting in bad faith. If this is happening to you, a fire insurance claim lawyer from Charles Injury Law will help you get your claim resolved.

Give us a call today to have your claim reviewed by our expert fire damage attorneys with no obligation.

How Can A Charles Legal Fire Damage Attorney Help Me?

After you file a fire claim with your insurance, the first step they may take is to launch an investigation to discover the cause of the fire, determine the extent of the damage that the fire caused, and place a value on your claim. Many insurance companies turn things around by blaming the homeowner for the fire, even if it means the loss of the home, and take their time hiring special investigators to search for reasons to justify their assessment.

When you work with a fire damage attorney from Charles Injury Law we will perform separate assessments using our own resources. Our discoveries can be used in negotiations and settlements with your insurance company. We have a network of experts that can study the cause of the fire, establish a value to the assets lost in the blaze, inspect your home to uncover any other damage it may have sustained which might have been overlooked by your insurance, and place a value on your claim. Set up an initial consultation to evaluate your claim, we work on a contingency basis and there are no out-of-pocket costs to you.

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